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Are you a student in the Accounting or Finance field?

Interested in flexible rotation programs to explore your interests and passions while pursuing an accounting or finance designation with one of Canada’s top employers?

Experience the CPA Pre-Approved Development Program for new grads and co-ops and earn your professional designation at TELUS!

Experience the TELUS work environment, meet our Accounting and Finance professionals and discover exciting career opportunities that await you at TELUS.

Advanced registration required by August 20th.

To register, please complete all mandatory fields in the following link:  https://goo.gl/forms/PkSALL7zBOBBesl13

Dress code: Business casual

For more information about the Pre-Approved CPA program at TELUS, please visit: https://www.telus.com/en/on/careers/work-at-telus/students-grads/preapproved-cpa-program/


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