Keep up with what’s happening at Schulich

If you haven’t yet done so, check out the GradBlog Events calendar. This section of the blog is designed to promote events and deadlines, and to remind students about what’s ahead. If you’re a member of a student organization or support unit and would like to see your event included, e-mail

GradBlog Events 101

Here you’ll find enrolment reminders, career events, networking opportunities, academic workshops and more! You will not find deadlines specific to certain courses, or many third party events unaffiliated with Schulich. You may not see certain events because they are by invitation only. To avoid missing these, be sure to regularly check CareerQuest and your Schulich e-mail.

Note that the GradBlog Events feed is updated on a rolling basis, so please skim frequently!

You can view events on the GradBlog in two ways: List View or Calendar View.

List View: See what’s happening soon, with featured images and event details. This list will only display events that are queued for the near future.

Calendar View: Check out events for the month ahead. The calendar provides you with an “at-a-glance” idea of everything going on, displaying only the event title on the scheduled date. Click an event or reminder to view full details, or tool tip over the title of an event for a pop-up snippet: 

Add GradBlog Events to Your Calendar

You can export GradBlog events to your calendar individually or for the entire month. Locate the Export button at the bottom of the calendar view:

You’ll also find an option to add each event to your Google calendar or export as a .ics file within each individual event details page:


…and that’s it! We hope you find the Events page helpful. Begin by downloading important dates for January here.

Wishing you an organized start to the Winter Term!