Starting the 601 (Strategy Field Study)?

Make sure to attend the MANDATORY 601 kick-off!
For all students starting the 601 in Fall 2018 (and students participating in a Winter 2019 Exchange)

What Happens at the 601 Kick-off?

  1. Simulated Phase 1 Experience
    Preparation is required; 601 groups are to complete and present a case study. Please refer to the e-mail you received from the 601 office
  2. Key Phase 1 Deliverables
  3. How to Approach a Strategy Assessment
  4. Alumni Panel Explains the “Real” Experience
    Followed by question and answer session

You can find additional details and reminders about the 601 here.

Your 601 Support Team:

Jim MacKay
Program Director, Strategy Field Study

Tanya Duguid
Program Assistant, Strategy Field Study
Student & Enrolment Services
Book a 1-1 Advising appointment