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Each year the JD/MBA Students’ Association from Osgoode Hall Law School and the Schulich School of Business hosts a Conference that explores prominent themes and issues at the intersection of law, business, and public policy. Our 22nd Annual Conference is a celebration and a learning platform that brings together over 120 students from the law and business faculties, in addition to alumni and industry professionals working in Toronto’s legal and business communities.

Four Amazing Panels

An exciting line-up of panelists will consider a variety of issues including, but not limited to: cross-border implications of working and investing within the Cannabis industry, international growth opportunities, marketing, public health implications, disclosures and valuations, and much more!

Panel Topics:

  • Investing in the Cannabis Market
  • Securities & Regulatory Oversight in the Cannabis Industry
  • Marketing a Cannabis Business
  • Growth Opportunities and Risks for Lawyers in the Cannabis Space


Early Bird Student Price: $25.00 (ends January 23)
Regular Student Price: $30.00
Professional Early Bird Price: $45.00 (ends January 23)
Professional Ticket Price: $50.00
Additional fees apply. See event page for details.




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