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Register here: https://schulichcareerboard.ca/myAccount/events.htm

The Career Development Centre hosts a series of Networking events in an effort to give YOU the opportunity to network with top-notch professionals that are currently working in what we like to call ”the real world!”  You will have an opportunity to discuss challenges, career trends, opportunities, and all other issues that are currently present in today’s workplace.

Information Session Policies

Dress Code
Business attire is mandatory (MEN: Suit and Tie; WOMEN: Dress or Suit – blazer, pants or skirt)

Please click on the CANCEL BUTTON on CareerQuest, or email career@schulich.yorku.ca. Please cancel at least 3 business days before the start of the event.  Attendance records (including late arrivals) are often requested by recruiters who then compare them against job applications. In the past, individual students have been screened out of their application process for non-attendance.

For full details on the CDC’s Professional Presence and Conduct in the On-Campus Recruiting Process Guidelines, please click here: http://schulich.yorku.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Professional-Presence-and-Conduct-in-the-On-Campus-Recruitment-Process.pdf

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