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Explore cutting-edge research at Schulich and take part in a special presentation of the Dean’s Research Impact Awards

Join the Schulich School of Business and Dean Dezsö J. Horváth in a celebration of our Faculty’s research achievements and interests. This event will feature two galleries showcasing research poster presentations and the new Graduate Study & Research Building. This is a unique opportunity to learn about Schulich’s research expertise while engaging with academics and practitioners from the research community.


12:30 pm – 2:00 pm: Poster Gallery viewing and refreshments (Schulich Marketplace)

2:15 pm – 2:30 pm: Welcome and Opening Remarks by Dezsö Horváth, Dean and Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Strategic Management, Schulich School of Business

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm: Panel Discussion: “The Impact of Research in the Schulich School of Business: Making a Difference in the Real World?”

3:30 pm – 3:50 pm: Presentation of Dean’s Research Impact Awards

3:50 pm – 4:00 pm: Closing remarks by Dirk Matten, Hewlett-Packard Chair in Corporate Social Responsibility and Associate Dean Research, Schulich School of Business

Registration deadline: January 23, 2017

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