Latest Past Events
Let’s Talk Day
January 29, 2020, is Let’s Talk Day in support of a healthy, inclusive campus and the Bell Let’s Talk initiative. What’s happening on campus? Students are encouraged to learn more about the Let’s Talk initiative here and to join in the conversation online with hashtags #BellLetsTalk, #YULetsTalk and #YUmentalhealth. Visit the Tait McKenzie Centre for free [...]
Blockchain Recruitment Event
Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence (Lassonde School of Engineering – Room 213) – 11 Arboretum Lane, Toronto, ONThe BlockchainHub invites all developers and business job seekers in the Toronto’s tech community for the first of its kind Toronto Blockchain Half-Day Recruitment event. Answering the Blockchain industry outcry for lack of candidates, the BlockchainHub wants to create an environment that will make it easy for companies to find the quality candidates that they need. We [...]
Financing & Fundraising for your Startup – RevUP Winter 2018
A basic challenge startup entrepreneurs often face is that they don’t really know how much to raise and what options to consider, when it comes to financing their startup. This workshop will be focused on managing the financials for your startup. You will learn the various options for financing your startup and provide you with a [...]