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Responsible Business
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Webinar: CEWS Offers Businesses a Win-Win Opportunity
Newly launched by the Schulich School of Business, “Shaping the Post-Pandemic World” is a webinar series that draws lessons from the COVID-19 experience in order to help shape the post-pandemic world. Thought leaders from various disciplines of the Schulich faculty will offer reflections and guide a free-flowing discussion with participants. "CEWS Offers Businesses a Win-Win Opportunity" [...]
COERB Welcome Event
Room W356, Schulich School of BusinessInterested in Sustainable business and the Triple Bottom Line? You’re invited to the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business’ Welcome Event January 16, 2019 11:30 – 1:00 pm W357 SSB Each year, COERB hosts a Welcome Event for faculty, staff and students interested inBusiness & Sustainability, Ethics & CSR. It is a great opportunity to hear [...]