What’s more fun than a weekend of case, athletic and spirit competitions, fancy dinners, bonding with your friends and classmates and dancing up a storm at evening events? Doing so with over 700 students from MBA schools from across the country!
The MBA Games is an integral component to any MBA experience, and based on our own personal experience, is an event you do not want to miss.
As champions of the 2015 MBA Games, the Schulich team took home the Queen’s Cup, winning bragging rights for the year and the opportunity to host the 2016 games. Well, the games are coming, and we want to make sure everyone has the chance to get involved; we want to ensure there is #NoFOMO.
The 2016 organizing committee is looking for committed individuals to join our team, volunteering your time to make sure the 2016 MBA games are the best game yet. As volunteers, you’ll have complete access to all MBA events including meals, accommodations, networking events and fun competition swag.
Don’t let this opportunity pass – get involved and become part of the 2016 Schulich MBA Games team! Click here to register or get more information.
Still not convinced? Watch this video to feel the energy this unforgettable weekend brings.
Lauren McDonald & Deanna Schmidt
Members of the 2015 Champion team, and Co-Marketing Directors for the 2016 Games
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