It’s midterm season, and that means we’re all more susceptible to stress and anxiety.  Good news: some furry friends are on their way to help you feel lighter, calmer, and give you a fun break from studying.


Upcoming Therapy Dog Visits

Maddy the therapy dog is returning to Schulich!
Brought to you by the Bronfman Library, this friendly St. John’s Ambulance therapy dog will be here for a visit – all students are welcome to come and meet her.

Monday October 16, 2017
SSB Room S236

Therapy dogs at the Scott Library
Come to the atrium for drop-in hours, where therapy dogs will be available for some tail-wagging, belly scratching, de-stressing fun!

Thursday October 19, 2017
10:00am – 2:00pm
the Scott Library Atrium

Maddy’s pre-exam visit!
Maddy returns, to help you stay calm during your final weeks of class.

Monday November 27, 2017
SSB Room S236

Benefits of Therapy Dogs

These canine companions are often used to provide comfort and calm to people suffering from isolation and anxiety. St. John’s Ambulance began their Therapy Dog program in 1992 and it has continued to grow over the years. It now includes visits to college and university campuses, senior facilities and children’s schools. You can learn more about the program here.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and looking for comradery , support or counsel, a reminder that you’re always welcome to: