Apply to Graduate: October 2023 Convocation

Is Summer 2023 your final term at Schulich? Please apply to graduate on the York University Convocation website. Note that the deadline to apply is August 31, 2023.* If you require a letter outlining your graduation status, kindly complete a letter request form. *If you are applying to graduate after the deadline, and/or if you are graduating with a diploma please use [...]

2023-07-18T09:25:06-04:00July 18th, 2023|Categories: Events|Tags: , |

Student Focused Webinars Offered by Bloomberg

Bloomberg for Education is pleased to share with you a schedule of upcoming student-focused webinars. These events are a great way for to hear from market specialists about what factors are driving the current headlines - and an opportunity to ask them live questions. Big themes this fall include Inflation, Energy Prices and Behavioral Finance. All [...]

2022-11-10T16:26:55-05:00November 10th, 2022|Categories: Academics, Events|

YUL Co-Curricular Workshops Available this November!

This November the York University Library will be offering two co-curricular workshops:   Zotero Workshop on November 2, 12-1:30 This introductory hands-on workshop will teach you how to organize your citations and create your bibliographies with ease. You can do a lot with Zotero!  Wednesday November 2, from 12- 1:30 pm ETD (Zoom). Register:   [...]

2022-10-26T13:42:30-04:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: Academics, Events|Tags: , , , , |

Conquer the 601

Attend this workshop if you’re completing your 601-field strategy assignment this year! In this workshop, you’ll learn how to find secondary research through the Library’s subscription-based resources that will help with your 601 capstone project. This workshop covers the following topics: Company research (publicly-traded and private companies) Competitor analysis Industry and market research Scholarly, industry/trade, [...]

2022-09-16T08:29:57-04:00September 15th, 2022|Categories: Academics, Events|
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