RBI -Tim Hortons Info Session

  Information Session Policies Program Restrictions BBA, iBBA, MAcc, MBAN, MF, MMgt, MPA, MREI Registration https://schulichcareerboard.ca/myAccount/events.htm Dress Code Business attire is mandatory (MEN: Suit and Tie; WOMEN: Dress or Suit - blazer, pants or skirt) Cancellation: Please click on the CANCEL BUTTON on CareerQuest, or email career@schulich.yorku.ca. Please cancel at least 3 business days before [...]

Interested in learning about AI in Cybersecurity?

RBC WaterPark Place Auditorium – 88 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON M5J 0B8

Cyber Tech & Risk is proud to bring you the high-profile event of AI in Cybersecurity! Connect with industry professionals to explore career opportunities in AI in Cybersecurity Featured Presentations: 1. Applying AI to cyber - detangling hype from reality Dina Kamal, Partner, Risk Artificial Intelligence, Deloitte Canada 2. No Silver Bullets – Cybersecurity in the [...]