Family Day Weekend – Building Hours

Please be advised of the following hours of operation for the upcoming Family Day weekend: Saturday, February 13th: Schulich Building        OPEN 8:00am to 1:00am Computer Lab & Helpdesk    CLOSED Peter F. Bronfman Library    OPEN 9:00am to 6:00pm Sunday, February 14th: Schulich Building        OPEN 8:00am to 1:00am Computer Lab & Helpdesk    CLOSED Peter F. Bronfman [...]

2016-02-05T12:49:11-05:00February 5th, 2016|Categories: Community|Tags: |

Weekend Academic Advising: January 23

Our Student Services office at Keele Campus will be open on Saturday January 23  from 11:00 to 1:00 pm for academic advising. We have an academic advisor on hand once a month  to provide targeted in-person advising for weekend courses. If you would like to make an appointment for academic advising, please register on line at [...]

2016-01-08T10:56:08-05:00January 8th, 2016|Categories: Academics|Tags: , |

Osgoode Lecture: Shareholder Wealth Maximation On Steroids

The Hennick Centre for Business and Law presents the following Davies Business Law Lecture 2016 Shareholder Wealth Maximization-On Steroids: Do the Brakes Still Work in Corporate Governance?   with keynote speaker John C. Coffee Jr. Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law & Director, Center on Corporate Governance, Columbia Law School Professor John C. Coffee Jr. is [...]

2016-01-08T10:47:28-05:00January 8th, 2016|Categories: Community, Events|Tags: , , |

Learn about Responsible Business: COERB Event Series

Want to know more about Sustainability, CSR, Ethics, & Responsible Business? JOIN the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Business at their welcome event next week! The session will be an informal discussion about: BBA & MBA courses Research Careers and opportunities Activities and events ... and more! Event Details Wednesday January 13 11:30 am – 1:00 [...]

2016-01-07T09:25:15-05:00January 7th, 2016|Categories: Community, Events|Tags: , , , |

Weekend Advising: November 28

At this time, we wanted to let you know that our  Student Services office (Keele Campus)  will be open on Saturday November 28 from 11:30  to 1:30 pm for academic advising. We have an academic advisor on hand once a month  to provide targeted in-person advising for weekend courses. If you would like to make an [...]

2015-11-17T16:07:32-05:00November 17th, 2015|Categories: Academics|Tags: , , |

Forgot To Charge Your Phone? Help is Here at Bronfman!

Have you ever forgotten to charge your smartphone or tablet the night before and wound up on campus with a device that has about 10% battery life left? York University Libraries is currently running a pilot project to help make sure that York students, faculty, and staff can charge their devices on campus! Meet Your Smartphone [...]

2015-11-03T09:43:40-05:00November 3rd, 2015|Categories: Community|Tags: , |
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