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So far Nikeeta has created 80 blog entries.

New Course for Fall 2023: Leading in Health Sector

  The healthcare industry is a large and constantly evolving sector encompassing healthcare services, pharmaceutical drugs, medical equipment, biologics, and veterinary healthcare. As of 2022, the global healthcare market was valued at approximately $11,908.9 billion. In Canada, the healthcare sector is a crucial aspect of the country's economy, contributing 12.2% to the gross domestic product (GDP). [...]

2023-06-24T23:59:44-04:00June 24th, 2023|Categories: Academics|Tags: , |

Engage with the startup world across Canada and India with Startup Lab – The Together Mission (Fall ‘23)

Earn 3.00 credits this Fall, while learning about Entrepreneurship and Product Management as part of the Together 4.0 Program (our partnership with Startup India).   ENTR 6500 - Startup Lab : The Together Mission Each student in the course, launching this Fall, will be matched with a top Indian Student Startup that has been selected to [...]

2023-06-19T15:59:21-04:00June 19th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

Important Changes to the MBA Sustainability Specialization

Sustainability-related issues are now at the forefront of both global society and management practice. Whether it be organizational efforts related to decarbonization, decolonization, or diversity, managers are increasingly tasked with designing, orchestrating, and measuring organizational efforts to engage in more sustainable business practices. We are excited to share that the MBA specialization in Sustainability and the [...]

2023-06-16T15:28:37-04:00June 16th, 2023|Categories: Academics|

Schulich Launches Canada’s First Tech MBA Program

Schulich has announced the launch of a new MBA in Technology Leadership (Tech MBA), the first of its kind in Canada. The Tech MBA program will launch in Fall 2023 and will help develop the next generation of leaders for a business world that is increasingly tech driven. The 16-month, highly experiential professional program will integrate leadership development [...]

2023-05-18T13:38:19-04:00May 18th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |

RBC Canadian Open Volunteer Opportunity

  Calling for Volunteers - the RBC Canadian Open is coming to Oakdale Golf & Country Club June 5 - June 11, 2023! This is your opportunity to volunteer at the ONLY Canadian stop on the PGA TOUR and see the world’s best golfers up close and two committees are still recruiting volunteers!   Committees Gallery Management [...]

2023-05-09T16:14:49-04:00May 9th, 2023|Categories: Community|Tags: |

Learn about the Financial Engineering Graduate Diploma Program at Schulich!

Attention MBA students! On behalf of the Financial Engineering Graduate Diploma, we welcome you to the Schulich School of Business. We would like to take this opportunity to familiarize you with the Financial Engineering Graduate Diploma Program offered at Schulich. The Financial Engineering Program is a collaborative program offered to Master’s students in the Faculty of [...]

2023-03-22T10:13:30-04:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |
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