What is the YUGSA Health Plan?

The YUGSA Health plan is a supplementary health and dental plan covering prescription drugs, dental, extended health services care, massage therapy, chiropractic care, physiotherapy, vision care, therapy/counseling and travel insurance. This plan is mandatory for all full-time graduate students who do not have comparable coverage during the school year and is optional for part-time students.

What Does it Cost?

Annual Cost:

The plan runs for one year, so the cost varies depending on your point of entry and registration as a student.

For students registered in the Fall (FT/PT students): $410
For students registered in Winter’20 (FT/PT students): $285
For students registered in Summer’ 20 (FT/PT students): $160

For all full-time students entering the plan in Fall 2019, the Health Plan fee is charged to your student account in September. This cost is NOT included in your tuition.
Part-time students who wish to opt-in have the option of paying by credit card, cash or cheque when they submit the opt-in form on the YUGSA website.

How to Use the Plan:

Students must give the following information to their health provider for direct billing to the insurance:

Provider: ClaimSecure
Certificate ID: last 7 digits of your student no. + YGS

Group #: 510004

Claims: If you have paid out of your pocket, there are two ways to submit claims to the insurance.

  1. Mail the claim form with original receipts to the insurance. Claim form can be found at https://wespeakstudent.com/home/63-york-univ-graduate-students under ‘Booklet & Forms’.


  1. Submit your claims online once you create an account with ClaimSecure at https://www.claimsecure.com/secure/eprofile/external_login.aspx?wcid=17212

Your Benefit Card:

Your benefit booklet and benefit card template are available under ‘Your Space’ at https://wespeakstudent.com/home/63-york-univ-graduate-students.

If you’re on campus, you can pick up your benefit card from the health plan office located in the old student centre, suite 325.

Check www.wespeakstudent.com for more details and for information on discounts offered through We Speak Student and participating retailers (such as discounts on glasses, Lasik, prescription drugs, etc.)            

Black-Out Period:

Although the plan comes in effect as of September 1, the insurance does not receive the enrolment file from York until the end of the month, so please note that no claims go through during this period. Students are advised to save their receipts during this time and claim from the insurance once the accounts have been activated by October 1st.

How to Opt Out of the Plan

If you wish to opt out of the YUGSA plan, you must submit proof of valid alternate health insurance that includes both drug and dental coverage. OHIP/UHIP is not counted as alternate insurance. You can opt out online here.

The Opt-Out Deadline is October 20, 2019.

How to Opt In to the Plan

Part time students and dependents of full-time and part-time plan members can join the plan through the Family Opt-In Link found here. Additional fees apply for dependents.

The Opt-In Deadline is October 20, 2019.

How to Select a Plan Option

The plan offers flex options so that you can choose a plan to fit your individual needs. Students can choose between a plan that focuses on either dental, drugs, extended health, or a balance between the three at no extra cost from https://wespeakstudent.com/home/63-york-univ-graduate-students-.

If you do not choose a plan, you will be enrolled in the Balanced Plan by default.

The “Choose Your Plan” Deadline is October 20, 2019.                                                                      

Questions? Contact the  YUGSA Finance and Health Plan Coordinator at health@yugsa.ca or call 416 736 5213.