Winter term is underway and you’ll soon be taking stock of the assignments and presentations that lay ahead of you.
As you map out your action plan, assemble your group members and prepare for success, don’t overlook a critical component: understanding how to properly conduct business research, and cite your work.
The quality of your research, your understanding of academic honesty, and your ability to document academic and business research sources are all essential to your success in your graduate program.
Check out the following two-part academic workshop series offered by Student & Enrolment Services and the Bronfman Business Library. Designed to help you achieve streamlined, successful business research, these quick, free workshops are a great way to start your term on the right foot!
Stress-free Citation: Cite it Right with APA
Tuesday January 16, 2018
5:30pm to 7:00pm
SSB W132
Topics covered include:
- Do’s and Don’ts for take-home exams
- Defining what constitutes a breach of academic honesty
- Documenting your research sources using APA citation
- Making evidence-based arguments by acknowledging the work of others
Registration deadline: Monday January 15, 2018
MBA Research Tools Workshop
Tuesday January 30, 2018
5:30pm to 7:00pm
SSB W132
Led by Sophie Bury, Head, Peter F. Bronfman Business Library
The workshop covers business research fundamentals and offers an overview of citation tools. It is designed to assist with secondary research expectations for assignments/projects in the MBA program and will feature a few specific examples relevant to MGMT 5150 to place sources in the context of current MBA course work.
More specifically attendees will come away with resources and strategies for:
- Sourcing journal and news articles on myriad business research topics including library subscription databases.
- Conducting company research (publicly-traded and private companies) including competitor analysis, CSR activities, SWOT analyses, key financials and filings.
- Researching industry trends for industries domestically and globally, both broadly and narrowly (niche industries) defined.
- Searching library databases to uncover market research reports and market segmentation data.
- Using citation tools, especially Zotero, to collect, manage and cite research sources found including library subscription sources and information found on the free web.
Registration Deadline: Monday January 29, 2018
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