A message from the Graduate Business Council:
The GBC International Affairs is pleased to announce that the new Buddy Program is now online!
What is the Buddy Program?
The purpose of the GBC buddy program is to create an environment for international students that helps them settle more comfortably into their new environment. The GBC Buddy program calls upon the existing Schulich international as well as local student communityto welcome their incoming first year batch with warmth! Leverage your experience and knowledge about Toronto as well as Schulich to assist the incoming students navigate a new culture and community.
Who can be a buddy?
Any full-time/part-time graduate student having completed at least one term at Schulich (Keele or Nadal) can become a part of the “GBC Buddies Community” that represents the diverse nature of the student body at Schulich. We have international and exchange students coming from all over the world, from countries such as India, Italy, UK, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Taiwan, Spain, Singapore, Israel, Germany, France, Denmark, China, Austria and more. If you like meeting new people, networking with them and most of all making their experience in Toronto and at Schulich a great one with your good advice about the city and school, you may want to consider becoming a Buddy.
How can I find a Buddy?
We want to make this program as available as possible. Just register through the GBC website and we will do our best to get you a buddy as soon as possible.
What can be expected from the Buddy program?
Please understand that The Buddy Program will pair volunteers and new students on a rolling basis if there is no special request. We will also try to assign buddy with similar professional background and / or interests according to the information provided by both parties. Therefore, please fill out the new section under ” Self Introduction to your buddy” to help us know more about you.
For any additional assistance, please email the International Affairs Director at GBCInternational@schulich.yorku.ca
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