Congratulations on making it halfway through your Fall Term!

Fall 2016 Reading Week is October 25-28

Student Services and International Relations remains open during Reading Week and the Schulich building will operate under its regular hours.

SSIR Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

Academic advising:

Academic advising is available through the week. We will also be offering weekend advising at Keele campus on Saturday October 29. If you need assistance with any of the following, please don’t hesitate to book an appointment with an academic advisor:[unordered_list style=”tick”]

  • Mapping out a course of study to pursue a specialization(s), designation or exchange
  • Understanding what academic and personal resources are available to you on campus, if you are facing issues that are affecting your studies
  • Discussing accommodations that may be available to you academically
  • Reviewing your schedule or electives
  • Exploring options if you think you may fail a course
  • Interpreting program policies or regulations
  • Submitting a petition or appeal


If you have any questions, contact us at (please include your student number).

Here are some helpful resources and reminders as you’re studying, writing and researching over the next week:

  1. Academic Honesty & Citation Quick Guide
  2. BRYT (Business Research at York Toolkit)
  3. Remaining 601 Workshops
  4. Academic Peer Support

Wishing you a safe, happy and productive Reading Week!