About Nikeeta

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So far Nikeeta has created 80 blog entries.

The Black Graduate Business Network (“BGBN”)

Founded on the backdrop of racial discrimination and high tensioned racial issues in the United States and Canada with the tragic death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and the Black Lives Matter movement. These events highlighted the role systemic racism plays in shaping the narrative of black bodies and lived experiences of black and coloured individuals. [...]

2022-09-02T10:06:22-04:00June 29th, 2022|Categories: Community|Tags: , |

Why should you take FINE 6310 – Applications of Data Science in Finance?

Whatever your intended career path in finance, this course will help you get the job you want. Big data and data science in general are areas of explosive growth in our economy. The global FinTech market is predicted to reach a capitalization of nearly $200 billion in a few years. Jobs in finance are increasingly requiring [...]

2022-06-10T15:25:45-04:00June 10th, 2022|Categories: Academics|Tags: , , , |

Independent Study Course Opportunity for Summer Semester

Schulich Marketing Professor, David Rice, is looking for an undergraduate or graduate student for an independent study project in the summer to investigate the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) for the Future of Marketing Institute at Schulich. The ideal candidates will have previous experience with MetaMask and be familiar with both the technical details of creation [...]

2022-04-05T09:22:25-04:00April 5th, 2022|Categories: Academics|Tags: , , |
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