Join Us! Open Dialogue: Winter Check-In
Please join us tomorrow for our Open Dialogue: Winter Check-In on December 2, 2021 at 9:30 am - 10:30 - REGISTER HERE
Please join us tomorrow for our Open Dialogue: Winter Check-In on December 2, 2021 at 9:30 am - 10:30 - REGISTER HERE
Learn about self-care tips for anxiety and various resources available to students at an upcoming workshop on Anxiety & Self-Care. This workshop was developed with international students in mind but is open to all students. Attending this workshop will count towards the "Emotional Wellness" dimension of Schulich's Wellness Certificate. Join us on November 2, 2021 [...]
A small but important reminder to put your own health and wellness first! As we approach the end of the Winter term, there are many successes and achievements to celebrate! However, we know that this can be a stressful time for many students, especially those facing complex challenges. Here at Schulich, our top priority is to [...]
Checking in with resources at the midway point of your semester.
Places to turn for help during the COVID-19 pandemic.
January 29, 2020, is Let’s Talk Day in support of a healthy, inclusive campus and the Bell Let’s Talk initiative. What’s happening on campus? Students are encouraged to learn more about the Let’s Talk initiative here and to join in the conversation online with hashtags #BellLetsTalk, #YULetsTalk and #YUmentalhealth. Visit the Tait McKenzie Centre for free [...]