Networking & Human-to-Human Marketing

This post was written by MBA candidate Ari Sefton. Check out his website for more insights about relationship building, impact, marketing and more.  by Ari SeftonThis post was originally published on February 3rd, 2016. Click here to view original on LinkedIn In the MBA there is a lot of chatter about networking. If a student isn’t [...]

2016-03-17T13:15:36-04:00March 17th, 2016|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

Putting the "I" in IMBA: Regina's Story

Regina Muggenburg Esteinou International MBA Candidate, Class 2016 I chose the IMBA because I was interested in a program that exposed me to a truly international environment and the diversity at Schulich was the best match.My experience as an international student has been great! I’ve loved meeting people from all around the world and with such [...]

2015-11-20T14:05:26-05:00November 20th, 2015|Categories: Academics, Community|Tags: , , , |

Introduce Your Significant Other to Schulich!

When you're undertaking an intense academic program, it's an exciting, demanding, busy time that often results in changes to your lifestyle. It's a transition not only for you as a student, but for the important people in your life too. Take the opportunity to introduce your spouses and partners to your Schulich life, campus and colleagues! [...]

2015-09-16T11:08:09-04:00September 16th, 2015|Categories: Community, Events|Tags: , , |
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