We are excited to share that we are in the final approval stages of a new course which will be open to MBA and MMGT students in Winter 2024.  SUST 6152 3.0 Scaling Climate Innovation is an opportunity to engage with the Misson from MaRS team at the MaRS Discovery District.

This course which will include MBA , MMgt and BBA/IBBA student is by application only.   Applications are now open and close October 16th at noon.

For more information please see the Sustainability Area webinar recording here

The specific discussion about the new courses start at about minute 46.30 but I would encourage you to watch the entire webinar and learn about other sustainability news and opportunities.


  • Winter term 2024

How do I apply?


  • Applications will open:  October 2, 2023
  • Applications are due: October 16th at Noon.​

Please note that you will need several documents on hand as well as a video submission to complete the application form

  • Selection decisions: will be made by October 27, 2023

Students must apply individually and are selected on the basis of academic excellence, work ethic, and group skills. Preference may be given to students pursuing the Graduate Diploma in Business and the Environment or the Sustainability Specialization. The faculty leader will form groups.



Email: SUST@schulich.yorku.ca


SUST 6152 Scaling Climate Innovations (with the MaRS Discovery District) – *subject to Faculty approval

Attention MBA, MMgt and BBA students, are you looking to:

  • Add some experiential learning to your degree?
  • Be exposed to the MaRS Discovery District.
  • Gain knowledge about Net- Zero opportunities in areas such as sustainable mining, carbon management, and public procurement.
  • Complete an elective towards the MBA Sustainability or BBA Responsible Business Specialization or MBA Diploma in Business and the Environment?

Then this course may be for you!

SUST 6152 explores how new technologies and practices intended to tackle climate change can be adapted and scaled. This is primarily a project based-course course focused on learning how to map out existing socio-technical systems and landscapes for a given technological niche (e.g., key players, processes, practices), identify multi-level barriers to the adoption of niche climate innovations, and formulate a strategy for overcoming such barriers (grounded within primary data collection within Canada, but also incorporating best practices and case studies globally). Furthermore, it is an experiential education opportunity in partnership with the MaRS Discovery District’s Net Zero Mission (https://missionfrommars.ca/our-climate-missions/) in which a select number of students will be engaged as ‘Climate Fellows’ at MaRS throughout the duration of the course. As a result, admission into the course will occur through a competitive application process.