What is a SIN:

A Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9-digit number issued by Service Canada, a Canadian government department. You will need a SIN to work, to file taxes, as well as to access government programs and benefits, if eligible. International students can only get a SIN after you’ve arrived in Canada.

How to get your SIN:

Service Canada will host a SIN Clinic as part of Schulich’s New to Canada programming. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of this service to obtain their SIN in a convenient way. Please find details below:

Date: Thursday, January 2, 2025

Time: 10am to 3pm

Location: Schulich School of Business, Rooms W137 & W138

Registration is required. Please register here to secure your spot. Appointments will take approx. 10 minutes and your SIN will be issued at this time. There is no cost to apply.

Required Documents:

You must bring the following original documents with you to be issued a SIN (copies or photos of documents will not be accepted):

  • Your study permit (or work permit) AND
  • Your passport

Your SIN will usually have the same expiry date as your study or work permit. If you apply for a new study or work permit before your current document becomes invalid, you can continue to use the same SIN while you are waiting for your permit to be issued. Your SIN can be extended after you get your new study permit/work permit. To extend your SIN, follow the same steps as applying for a new SIN number.

Protect your SIN:

Your SIN is confidential so should not be shared—be sure to protect your SIN. The most common use of your SIN is to work in Canada after being hired.