About Ann Welsh

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So far Ann Welsh has created 15 blog entries.

Become an English Language Peer Supporter!

Are you passionate about helping others succeed? Do you have experience in English language tutoring or teaching? Are you a Schulich graduate student? Then consider applying to become an English Language Peer Supporter for the Fall 2024 term! The English Language Peer Support Program (ELPS) provides 1:1 support for Schulich students who speak English as an [...]

2024-09-05T16:02:15-04:00August 21st, 2024|Categories: Community, International|

Strategy Field Study (‘601’) Alternative

Global Immersive Option | BRAZIL and ISRAEL Attention MBA students! Are you interested in… internationalizing your MBA? travelling to Brazil or Israel to work with real companies on real business challenges? completing your 601 requirements? Then consider the GIO! The Global Immersive Option (GIO) is an alternative 601 project that provides students the opportunity to work [...]

2023-06-23T08:59:48-04:00June 22nd, 2023|Categories: Academics, International|Tags: , , , |

Study Tour 2024: Innovation & Sustainability in Chile

Looking for a unique way to internationalize your degree? ? Consider the faculty-led study tour: Innovation & Sustainability in Chile & Peru April 2025   Explore the beauty of Chile and Peru while applying your business education on the ground during a 10-day tour to Chile and Peru. The Study Tour combines lectures, in-class discussions and [...]

2024-09-30T10:31:24-04:00September 20th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Take Your Degree Around the World: MBA Exchange

Experience another culture. Create an international network. Gain marketable international experience. Study Abroad!    The Student Services & International Relations Office will be holding Exchange Information Sessions for MBA students interested in studying abroad in a short term exchange/ program in Winter 2023 or Summer 2023 and a full term exchange during the Summer 2023, Fall 2023 or Winter [...]

2022-09-20T14:27:09-04:00September 19th, 2022|Categories: Community, International|Tags: , |

The English Language Peer Support Program is back for the Winter 2022 term!

Do you find: Writing assignments in English is a challenge? You worry about your spelling and grammar? You struggle to present your ideas verbally in English in class? If English is not your first language and you want help with your academic assignments, the Schulich English Language Peer Support Program can help! Our Peer Supporters are [...]

2022-01-25T21:04:34-05:00January 25th, 2022|Categories: Community, International|
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