I recently completed my MBA and when examining the richness of my experiences, nothing stands out more than that of doing an exchange term.  In fact, the exchange term turned my MBA journey from an ordinary experience to an incomparable life changing experience.  Let me put some substance behind my enthusiasm.  I had completed a B.Com at UofT and was in the workforce for 6 years having started my MBA part-time at SSB.  Having only fulfilled a portion of my appetite for knowledge through traditional classes, the MBA exchange term gave me the opportunity to fulfill everything that my MBA experience was missing.

I traveled to Spain and learned another language, culture and business skill set that can only be learned through observation and practice.  This experience could never be taught in a classroom setting.  I also got a chance to take a break from my full-time career after 6 years and do something very productive.  During this time, I networked with an international community of MBA students at a highly ranked MBA school, and I traveled the world at my leisure.

Having returned from this experience, I was given a promotion based upon my enhanced international business skill set, I have learned more about other people, and I have a network that stems from South Africa to Australia, from New York to New Delhi, from Spain to … well you get the point.  Most importantly, I learned about myself on this academic adventure and I have put my career and life goals into perspective.  I also got a tan

In summary, if you are thinking about going on exchange but haven’t decided yet, just go.  You have no excuse.  There will be no other time in your life to do this, and if money is the issue, trust me, you will be more marketable with this experience on your resume!

The destination is almost trivial, as what is most important is deciding on making this personal investment and completing an exchange term.  If you don’t make this personal investment, well, I hope your job gives you a good vacation package… if you do make the wise choice of going on an exchange term; I envy you and wish you all the best in your adventures and travels.  Have fun!

– Sadi Khan
ESADE – Barcelona, Spain

Apply for exchange by 4pm, November 9, 2015